About seven years ago, when I was still just discovering nanoparticle poisoning (the real reason behind my so-called Lyme disease), some people were experimenting with their fruit and veggies.
They were putting them in the microwave and seeing sparks.
Now, what happens when you put aluminium foil in the microwave?
It sparks because when you microwave a metal, it will do that. So there must be tiny metallic pieces in the raspberries, don’t you think?
These raspberries came from a plastic package. I’ve tried this experiment with zucchini skins as well and got the same result — sparks.
Heavy metal toxicity, which can lead to autism and dementia, are at all time highs. Do you think food laced with metals has anything to do with it?
How have those metals gotten into so much food?
This music video might give you an idea of how those metals get into your food:
And what can you do about it?
Check out InPower Movement:
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